Showing posts with label growth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label growth. Show all posts

The Window

More than ever now
My life
A stained glass window
Of interconnecting facets
All I have seen
All I have felt
All I have known

How can I make sense of this kaleidoscope
Of light and shade
Am I the sum of all these parts
A patchwork cemented in time and place

Yet, when examined, it seems
I am no more than
The play of light through a window

Focus words for meditation and contemplation

composure ~ a tranquil manner; calmness 

constant ~ unchanging, dependable, continuous 

concord ~ inner balance and outer harmony 

change ~ constructive personal growth; improvement



Finding a rhythm
Through the changing seasons
A wider view from within
Beyond here and now
But still a part of it

The tide flows out and returns
Leaves fall, blossom to fruit
All is change
Yet remains constant


balance, growth, hope, love



Harmony in our natural and manmade environments and in our relationships with each other.

Internal (spirtual) and external (hobbies, work, family) growth and progression. An open mind is the door to the future.

A positive mental attitude. The belief that change can come from within us and that we can be involved in our envornment and society.

A love of life (joie de vivre). If we cannot love our life, we are living it the wrong the way.



What we learn from
What we nurture and grow
What stand we take
These three things define us
And shape our world
