Showing posts with label meditation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label meditation. Show all posts

Focus words for Meditation and Contemplation

Honesty ~ honest appraisal of our inner self and acceptance of our true self.

Helpfulness ~ Finding inner strength to help our self and others, caring can be our most courageous gift.

Hope ~ Is an optimism that makes our hearts sing.

Happiness ~ Is a strength. Exercise a smile, practise a laugh, build up a store of contentment to obtain it.


 My path, now slow

Winds through the mown avenues

Of old trees saving up for Autumn

And the streams and rivers

Are quiet ponds of silver

Where fish dream under waterlilies

And memories, like clouds above

Are reflections in still water

A Volume of Sky

 I walk, not monumental distances or with any great destination in mind but with an eye to the world around me and, while I might carry its weight in my pockets, in my mind I am writing a volume of sky.


 Steer a new course under the bright star of Hope and you will find your heart already knows the way.

St Margaret's Chapel

There is a stillness in the air
Feather gently floating
A warmth of rose and lavender
Wrapped up in this scent
A candle, now lit, reaching out
A light to lift eyes and spirit
To the sky ringing above the bell
And gladness fills the heart
Hope is now a chalice full
Of quiet angels

Inside The Shell

In opalescent light I sit inside
A wall around me of my own making
If I put my ear to the shell
I hear an ocean outside
A strange current on the surface
Washing over words and dreams
Photo flotsam, memory jettison
Passing ephemera of a life
Pearly surface reflecting
All superficiality spiraling away

Here, in this quiet amphitheatre
I am unshackled
From the tides of pandemonium
Quietly sustained
Within the cathedral shapes
Inside the shell

Focus words for meditation and contemplation

Integrity ~ to uphold moral and ethical standards, to remain true and complete in character.

Indomitable ~ patience, spirit, love.

Immerse ~ fully involve your inner self with indomitable love and integrity.

The Window

More than ever now
My life
A stained glass window
Of interconnecting facets
All I have seen
All I have felt
All I have known

How can I make sense of this kaleidoscope
Of light and shade
Am I the sum of all these parts
A patchwork cemented in time and place

Yet, when examined, it seems
I am no more than
The play of light through a window

Ripplestone ~ meditations

Imagine a calm pool, throw a small stone into the pool, watch the ripples spread out, feel your stress slip away with them.


All stones sing their songs
Ripples in memory pools
Your heart hears it now


Stop for a second
And hear the poem of your heart
Singing here and now


A Moment of Grace

Life's just a drop in the ocean
A single drumbeat in the wind's restless song
A spark lost in the sun's maelstrom
A moment of grace between the cradle and grave


Less time spent looking back, more time to spend looking forward.

Focus words for meditation and contemplation

composure ~ a tranquil manner; calmness 

constant ~ unchanging, dependable, continuous 

concord ~ inner balance and outer harmony 

change ~ constructive personal growth; improvement

A Beautiful Dream


A beautiful dream like laughter in summer
A ripple of water over stones
A moment of silence before the song starts
A voyage home

A forest caught in the late rainstorm
A shiver from the open window
A cobweb of rainbows in the sunlight
A moment alone

And where the skies and waters meet
Pour my eyes to sleep
I'll wait and see

I'll wait and see a beautiful dream
