Showing posts with label harmony. Show all posts
Showing posts with label harmony. Show all posts

I am human and I am here

The other day I heard someone say their faith described everyone as broken. What a terrible burden of worthlessness to be laid on every shoulder. And I felt moved at the thought of this to try and find an understanding of what we are.

What  am I?

I am a part of everything, everything is interconnected and I house a great sense of belonging to all things and being of all things. So I am reminded at all times of how we are all here, together, here and now on this planet and while all things pass, nothing is ever lost. It is simply part of the ebb and flow of the universe pouring through all of us, this precious gift of life. 
And with this gift we have a way to find hope, nurture love, practise kindness and keep the divine in our hearts as best we can. We are not broken. We are human. Don't waste time waiting for a miracle, be the miracle that your life is.

Ripplestone ~ meditations

Imagine a calm pool, throw a small stone into the pool, watch the ripples spread out, feel your stress slip away with them.


All stones sing their songs
Ripples in memory pools
Your heart hears it now


Stop for a second
And hear the poem of your heart
Singing here and now


Peace is...


Peace is a hope you can fill your heart with
So there's no room for violence, hate and anger

Peace is a feeling you can share with everyone
All it takes is a happy, loving and honest attitude

Peace is a gift I would love to give to you
But I will need your help to build a world
Where we can celebrate peace every day
Until then

Peace is a smile you can wear for me
On World Peace Day

(21st September 2007)



Finding a rhythm
Through the changing seasons
A wider view from within
Beyond here and now
But still a part of it

The tide flows out and returns
Leaves fall, blossom to fruit
All is change
Yet remains constant
